Monday, October 22, 2007

From bad to worse

Helen Index :6
Mood :Low
It seems that since I have been taking the meds for high blood pressure (started again around a month ago) my mood has goon down.
Last week there was an item on panic attacks on the radio. I seem to get something like them, but instead of the racing hart and sick in the stomach. I seem to get suicide attacks.. Something will set me off, a situation, a noise or a thought, and then I feel my stomach knotting up and then the feelings and thoughts come... This can happen any time and for any thing. Here in La Palma its the nabors or going to the doctors or even going out of the door on my own. Some times it just make life a miserable existence.
It seems to be getting worse at the moment but I am still trying to cope with it all but some times I just wounder if it is all worth it.

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