Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Good, Some Bad, And a pain in the Back

Helen Index : 6
Mood : Low

Last week I fell off a wall, only about 1.5M (about 4feet) but I landed on an assortment of rocks and a 3 inch diameter pipe. The result of which was a trip to the Doctors and then to the hospital as the Doctor thought that I may have broken a rib or two. I haven't, but they said that I had bruised them badly.

The result of all this is that I have taken a big nose dive. I seem to be very insular - not wanting to be around people and paranoid that things are going to go terribly wrong - somewhere... Tomorrow we are off to the UK to see my first Grandchild, Theo, I am very nervous about flying at the moment, not about crashing just about missing connections etc...

I watched The Catwoman movie yesterday, and good quote from it was "When you are truly comfortable with who and what you are you are Free" Ok its not an exact match but I think its good.

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